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How To: Make Sure Videos Are Playing at the Highest Resolution Possible on YouTube, YouTube Music & YouTube TV

Most streaming platforms have seen a huge viewership increase in the past few months. As a result, wireless carriers and ISPs are struggling to provide the necessary bandwidth for everyone, resulting in some customers being limited to DVD quality. The same applies to YouTube, YouTube Music, and YouTube TV, but you can see the resolution being used and change it to something better.

How To: Read YouTube Videos as Articles on Your Phone Instead of Watching Them

Millions of people use YouTube every day, whether it's for trailers, new music, or gameplay walkthroughs. But according to Pew Research Center, over half of U.S. adults use YouTube to figure out how to do things. If you fall into that crowd, adult or not, sometimes it's good to have written instructions to follow along with the video or in lieu of it completely.

How To: Get Dark Mode for TikTok on Your Phone

With bans looming or already happening across the world, TikTok still remains one of the most popular, entertaining, and addicting apps you can download right now. The problem is, browsing TikTok can be a bit painful at night since everything outside of the video feed uses a bright white theme. Thankfully, dark mode for TikTok is here, but there's a catch.

How To: Get the Galaxy Note 20's Leaked Wallpapers on Any Phone

New wallpapers for new smartphones are basically a tradition at this point. That tradition doesn't change with the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra — Samsung is introducing five fresh wallpapers for the new devices. Of course, Samsung would like these wallpapers to remain Note 20-exclusive, but that's not how we roll. Here's how you can get them on your iPhone or Android right now.

How To: Hide Your Facebook Messenger Online Status from Everyone Except Certain Contacts

Facebook Messenger's user base has grown so much that it has taken over text messaging as the primary contact method for many people. However, sometimes you might want to hide your online status from specific contacts and appear offline to others. There's a neat little trick you should know that can help you achieve this.

YSK: You Can Lock Mario Kart Tour in Landscape or Portrait Without Touching Your Phone's Main Rotate Setting

Nintendo changed Mario Kart Tour for the better with an option to play the game in landscape mode. That said, the game will rotate automatically, which can mess you up in the middle of a heated race. But you don't need to lock your iPhone or Android phone's orientation setting to fix the problem since you can do so within the game itself. That way, other apps will auto-rotate as usual.

How To: Set Data Limit Alerts on Google Fi

Google Fi Is a great wireless carrier alternative and can be quite beneficial when used correctly. If you don't require much data, you can easily get away with a $30 or less bill. However, if you wanted to crank out more data during your current billing cycle, there's a setting you should use to keep your data in check.

How To: Everything You Should Do Before Posting Protest Photos & Videos on Social Media

As protests surge in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, powerful photographs and videos from the demonstrations have gripped the world, putting our nation's very real and very justifiable widespread civil unrest out into the digital world. Unfortunately, these pictures could put you or others in danger if precautions aren't taken before uploading them online.

How To: HBO Max Subscribes You to Its Newsletter Automatically — Here's How to Opt-Out

HBO Max promises to entertain you with hours upon hours of content, from shows like "Friends" and "Game of Thrones" to movies like "Joker" and all eight Harry Potters. The company wants to keep you in the loop on all things "Max," so it signs you up for a newsletter to do just that. That might not sit well with you, but don't worry — there's a simple way to opt-out right now.