How To: Make a custom ringtone for your iPhone through iTunes

Make a custom ringtone for your iPhone through iTunes

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make free custom ring tones for an iPhone. Begin by clicking on the Start menu and select Control Panel. Then click on the Folder Options and deselect "Hide extensions for known file types". Now open iTunes and select the desired song. Right-click on it and select Get Info. Click on the Options tab and make the song lasts only 29 seconds. Then right-click on the song and select Create AAC version and wait for it to finish converting. Now open the created version and rename with "m4r" at the end instead of "m4a". Finish by opening it in iTunes and sync it to the device. This video will benefit those viewers who have an iPhone, and would like to learn how to create free ring tones to save money.

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