How To: Put ringtones on your iPhone 3g

Put ringtones on your iPhone 3g

Craig Madox from TubeTutorials shows how to create and put ringtones on your iPhone 3G. If you already own the song, you shouldn't have to pay for it again as a ringtone! Step 1. Pick a song, right click that song, and click Get Info. Go to Options, check start and stop time, and copy the stop time. Now change the stop time on your song to about 20. (Or however long you want the ringtone to be.)Step 2. Right click on the song again, click Convert Selection to AAC. Go to the 4 minutes long song, right click it, then paste in the old stop time, and uncheck the boxes again.Step 3. Right click on the new song>Show in Windows Explorer. Go to Tools>Folder Options>View>Uncheck Hide extensions for known file types. Click ok. Now rename the file and change to .m4r.Step 4. Click on Ringtones tab. If it isn't there, go to File>Import, and import the file. You could also drag the song into the Ringtones tab.Step 5. Make sure all ringtones is checked on your ringtones tab, and sync the phone. Then on your phone go to Settings>Sounds>Ringtones>Custom. Your new ringtone should be under there.

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