Coming Soon: Choose Your Own AR Backdrops for Instagram Stories

Choose Your Own AR Backdrops for Instagram Stories

Remember Photo Booth on Mac and iOS? It still exists, but there was a of time where everyone was using it. And why not? It was so cool to take photos with any background imaginable. Underwater? Check. On the moon? Of course. Now, Instagram wants to bring back the fun by introducing AR backgrounds for stories.

Before you fire up the story camera in your Instagram app and pretend you're at the beach, you should know this feature isn't live yet. In fact, we don't know when to expect it at all. Instagram hasn't announced it as an upcoming feature, so how do we know it's on its way in the first place?

Jane Manchun Wong, noted code-diver, initially brought this feature to light on Twitter, showing off two screenshots of the AR Background selection in action. In the first, we see what looks like a normal camera roll feed, except with a "BACKGROUND" option at the top of the display. In the next screenshot, we see that Wong has selected an image to use as her background, and can use the story camera as normal from here on out.

That's about all we know concerning the feature so far, but it's a fun start. If it's anything like Photo Booth, you'll want to make sure you film your story against a blank, solid background. That gives the camera a better reference for masking your chosen background, so you see less glitching and tearing when moving through the frame.

Of course, AR has come a long way since the days of Photo Booth. Perhaps Instagram has perfected the game here, allowing you to perfectly add a background to your story no matter where you happen to be.

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Cover image by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks

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