How To: Set up free WiFi tethering on a Samsung Epic 4G Google Android smartphone

Set up free WiFi tethering on a Samsung Epic 4G Google Android smartphone

In this clip, you'll learn how to set up and use free wireless tethering with a Samsung Epic 4G mobile phone. Whether you're the proud owner of a Sprint Epic 4G Google Android smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including a complete demonstration of the rooting process and detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started turning your own Epic 4G into a wireless hotspot, watch this hacker's how-to.

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ya but this is only adhoc mobile devices wont pick up this signal

Your video was great and the download was easy BUT when I click "open" I'm getting a "Not Root!" message:
"Sorry, but your kernel does not have all necessary features for running this application."
How do I find out what necessary features are missing and how to add them?

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