Smartphones News

News: Watch a 1,500-Pound Box of Cell Phones Crush a Chevy Camaro

You looked on as a 1,169-pound pumpkin flattened a Pontiac sedan, now watch a 1,500-pound box of cell phones smash a Chevy Camaro! Jalopnik reports, "A cell phone recycler took its YouTube promo campaign to a new level by dropping 1,500 lbs. of junked cellphones on a parked 4th-generation Camaro. The resulting mess answers a question only a Mustang fan would ever ask. The filmmakers later clarified that the Camaro wasn't in running condition ... and was bought by a member of the crew as a par...

News: The Future of the Book Might Work Something Like This...

There are endless possibilities for eReaders, and lots of amazing things are already happening. But wow-worthy visual tricks aside, how can technology really change the way we consume books? In the video below design company IDEO presents three separate concepts for virtual consumption: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. IDEO groups their virtual experiences into three separate concepts: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. Core77 breaks down each concept:

News: To Live in Augmented Reality Land

What if everything in life was controlled by augmented reality? Keiichi Matsuda imagines: "The architecture of the contemporary city is no longer simply about the physical space of buildings and landscape, more and more it is about the synthetic spaces created by the digital information that we collect, consume and organise; an immersive interface may become as much part of the world we inhabit as the buildings around us.

News: Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

The folks over at Patently Apple have uncovered some very promising looking plans for a future iPhone app called iTravel. iTravel plans to cover ticket-buying, electronic check-in, car rentals, and possibly even Apple designed airport kiosks. Fingers crossed it comes out soon. Apple excels at making dummy-proof, intuitive, easy-as-pie user interfaces, and man, the airline travel process sure could use a little streamlining.

News: iPhone Remote Controlled Car

What will they think of next? iDriver is an incredible iPhone application that enables the user to  remote control a car (essentially drive an unmanned vehicle with your iPhone). The project is a collaboration between Spirit of Berlin and Appirion.

Deposit by iPhone: Virtual Banking at Last

Finally! Counting down the days to a paperless (and errand free) banking system. Both no-hassle and eco-friendly, USAA bank has released an iPhone application that allows its customers to deposit their checks via iPhone. The process is simple: photograph both sides of the check, hit send, and void, file or discard the paper trail.

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