News: Man Attempts Robbery With iPhone (Sorry, There's No App For That... Yet)

Man Attempts Robbery With iPhone (Sorry, There's No App For That... Yet)

Yes, there are endless iPhone apps out there (and some are pretty ingenious). And yes, it does seem like the iPhone can do just about anything (truly... anything!). But the magical device failed a would-be robber last week.


Man Attempts Robbery With iPhone (Sorry, There's No App For That... Yet)"Jerome Taylor, 20, wore a mask as he entered the Northern Indian restaurant on State Street Wednesday afternoon.

He pulled what the cooks thought was a gun and demanded money, according to police. But the cooks grabbed knives and said they weren't handing anything over.

Taylor was gone by the time police arrived, but they caught up with him a short time later. Officers said Taylor confessed to the crime, but told them he didn't have a gun, but used an iPhone."

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wow, the thing people will do out of desperation....

Thanks MichaelGnankouGoth

in america you can get a real gun right so why doesnt he just buy a real gun
those cooks were brave they thought it was a gun and they didnt hand anything over

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