How To: Install Ubuntu Linux on a Nexus One or HTC Evo phone

Install Ubuntu Linux on a Nexus One or HTC Evo phone

Looking to make your Google Nexus One or HTC Evo smartphone even better? Unlock your phone's full computational potential while following in a tried-and-true geek tradition: Install Linux on it! This video guide presents a complete, step-by-step walkthrough of the process. For more information, and to get started installing the Ubuntu Linux distribution on your own Android smart phone (without blowing out your phone's Android installation), take a look!

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1 Comment

hello i am studying to be a computer systems tech. i just started working for a business that does computer and cell phone repair. We normally use a app called blow fish to unlock phones for customers. But it is not working as good, then they want to charge u too much for their services. Can anyone bless me with unlock codes for smart phones?

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