This Week on Instagram: Babadook Dresses Up for Pride

Babadook Dresses Up for Pride

If you're on Instagram, you may start to see Babadook all dressed up this month. This beautiful monster is taking Instagram by storm by #babashooking it's way all around the world in its brand new Pride attire.

After a slip on Netflix's part when the media company accidentally labeled the iconic movie as LGBTQ-friendly, the Babadook became a queer icon, which of course, let the meme games begin.

So go ahead, check out #babadook on Instagram and enjoy scrolling through all the ways the social world is using the icon to represent the LGTBTQ community.

For instance, check out the hilarious remake of Drag Race below. Hint: the one and only big B makes a grand appearance.

Oh, and of course, the wonderful Babadook all dressed up in prideful "Get ready to be Babashook" tee:

There's no better way to celebrate Pride than with a great icon. As Bleeding Cool puts it:

After all, the Babadook is the disruptive influence caused by ignoring the truth, until it comes bursting out, quite flamboyantly, and has to be accepted, sometimes in an uptight household in a very begrudging way. It's an experience many a young gay man can relate to, perhaps.

So #babashook, you all! Let's celebrate!

Image by US Weekly/Giphy

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Cover image by Bettina Mangiaracina/Gadget Hacks

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