News: Travel the World for a Price You Can Afford with Wander

Travel the World for a Price You Can Afford with Wander

Ah, the sand between your feet, the sun on your skin, and the debt you're accumulating. However strong my sense of wanderlust may be, I still can't justify dropping thousands of dollars on a vacation. Fortunately, a new site — Wander — promises to help you book vacations that match your budget.

Powered by Skyscanner, a travel app that lets you book flights, hotels, and rental cars in one place, Wander similarly helps you easily — and affordably — plan your vacations. It works by allowing you to select your home airport, budget, and available travel dates. Wander then shows you where you can travel based on those parameters.

After you scroll through your potential travel destinations and select one, you can look at flights and lodging accommodations.

After you select a flight or hotel, you're redirected to a third-party site. Wander is affiliated with United Airlines and, so you'll be redirected there to make your flight and hotel purchases, respectively.

Although there's currently no mobile app available, Wander co-Founder Itai Sagi assured Gadget Hacks that the site acts exactly like an app in your mobile browser. However, if you're holding out for an app, Wander will be putting one out in the near future.

Wander is currently in development and lacks advanced features like a rating system. While it makes booking vacations on a budget easier, you still have to do the bulk of the work. The site doesn't tell you when flights and hotels are sold out, meaning that you may have to search for affordable options on your own. Its offerings are limited to United Airlines flights and hotels on, so it may be worth it to check other travel sites and apps for a variety of options.

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Cover photo via VLOGTOWKSI/YouTube
Screenshots by Sarah Tseggay/Gadget Hacks

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