How To: Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch 3.1.2

Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch 3.1.2

In this two-part video, learn how to jailbreak an iPhone, iPod, or iTouch 3.1.2 with help from computer whiz, Black Rain. In order to complete this jailbreak, you will need Cydia and web access to visit

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch 3.1.2, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Jailbreak iPhone, iPod Touch 3.1.2

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i need help after winterboard my itouch reebooted and now it is stuck in the place like an itunes icon and a usb s pointing at it and it is stuck!1 help me pls

im on windows 8 , and its telling me I don't have asl.dll on my computer, now what

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