News: Trover Opens Up Their iPhone Social Discovery App to the Masses

Trover Opens Up Their iPhone Social Discovery App to the Masses

Remember last month when we introduced you to Trover? Well, now this great little discovery app for iPhone has completed its beta mode and has officially launched in wide release.

Trover can be classified in the travel section, but it's not your standard tourist app. Instead, it gives you the chance to delve into the subculture of your city through pictures, providing you a chance to discover the hidden world around you. It's a mobile discovery network that can show you a secret path to a deserted beach or some cool alleyway graffiti.

Trover Opens Up Their iPhone Social Discovery App to the Masses

Before, anyone could see what's going on around them with Trover, but not everybody was willing to share their own discoveries since its beta mode's only login option was Facebook Connect. I installed the app last month and have been browsing the sites around me on a regular basis, but have yet to share because of this reason. But now, anyone can join the Trover community using a Twitter or email account, in addition to Facebook.

Trover Opens Up Their iPhone Social Discovery App to the Masses

The trial period attracted over 70,000 people from over 150 countries, but with these added login options in the wide release, the number of users is expected to increase tenfold.

Also new to Trover 1.2 is a friend-finding feature. The "Find Friends" button in the Me tab shows you Trovers you know from Facebook and Twitter. Follow them, and see what they are discovering nearby—or anywhere in the world.

Trover Opens Up Their iPhone Social Discovery App to the Masses

Though this mobile app is only available for iOS devices, Trover expects to have an Android version out by the end of the year.

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