News: Samsung's Working on an Ultra-Thin Dual Camera System According to a New Patent

Samsung's Working on an Ultra-Thin Dual Camera System According to a New Patent

Dual cameras are increasingly popular right now for smartphones, but so far, Samsung has steered clear of all the hype. However, a new patent application shows that Samsung has been working on a dual camera system of their own, featuring tech potentially more advanced than what is currently on the market.

The new patent describes a thinner dual camera system than what is currently seen on the smartphone market, as well as cameras that perform better in low light, according to SamMobile. The dual cameras may also be used for 3D photographs, which could bring more depth and dimension to a picture than a standard camera could. This is reminiscent of Apple's Portrait Mode on iPhone 7 Plus, which may provide some added competition between the smartphone giants.

Image via KIPRIS Samsung Patent

If you want to check out the patent application, you can on the KIPRIS (Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service) website. To view the patent in English, click on "Unexam. Full Text" next to "Details," then click "Machine Translation" on the right. It appears the patent application was submitted in September of 2015, and has not yet been granted, only recently published online.

Images via KIPRIS Samsung Patent

Based on all current leaks, it doesn't appear that the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be shipping with this dual camera tech installed. It isn't clear when we will be seeing Samsung's iteration of the dual camera system, if at all, and although it's entirely possible for Samsung to build this feature into the Galaxy Note 8, it is only speculation at this point.

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