News: Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

If you've yet to stumble across Photojojo, it's an awesomely addictive web newsletter for all photography junkies. I'm especially loving their recent photorealistic gadget pouch project because the finished product looks incredibly pro and as Photojojo keenly comments, "We've been seeing these little pouches in hipster gift stores that look like tacos, cassette tapes, pizza, etc. And we thought, 'That's so easy, we could totally make those ourselves!'" Right on. The project is indeed easy to make, and it looks like something out of Urban Outfitters. 

Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

In brief, it works like this: First print a 2D image of any item you choose on inkjet-printable canvas (found at places like Staples or Office Depot). Next, cut out, iron and assemble with fabric glue. No sewing necessary.

Full instructions.

Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

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