News: Oppo F3 Plus Will Come with a Dual Camera Selfie Shooter

Oppo F3 Plus Will Come with a Dual Camera Selfie Shooter

Selfies' reign on social media and pop culture has not really lost any steam since it was declared the word of the year back in 2013. We've had the much-mocked selfie stick, and even an ill-fated TV show named after the term. So what's next? Well, if you're phone maker Oppo, you're banking on the next big selfie-thing being the dual selfie camera.

According to new details from Oppo, their newest smartphone will come with a dual selfie camera. The phone, called the F3 Plus, will have a main front-facing camera of 16 megapixels, and a secondary one with 8-megapixel capability. As the fourth largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, Oppo no doubt would love to kick off a new trend with this move.

No pictures of the device are available, but we shouldn't have to wait long to see it in action, as the F3 Plus is set to launch on March 23. Details were originally reported in a leak from AndroidPure and were since confirmed by the company.

Unfortunately for the Instagram users of the US and UK, the F3 will only launch this month in the five markets where Oppo has found the most success: India, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Let's hope this trend kicks off changes to our selfie cameras in the states, too.

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Cover photo by Ashraf Siddiqui/Flickr

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