News: One of the Best Android File Managers Is Finally on the Play Store

One of the Best Android File Managers Is Finally on the Play Store

When we reviewed the best file managers on Android, MiXplorer easily topped our list with its abundance of features, including tabbed browsing, support for up to 19 different cloud services, file and folder encryption, and much more. The only major complaint we had was the fact it couldn't be installed from the Play Store, but now, that is no longer the case.

MiXplorer is now available on Google Play under the new name, MiXplorer Silver. However, there are two major differences with this version besides its name. The first is that, unlike the one available on XDA Labs, it has a price of $4.79. This cost might initially deter many fans of the file manager as it is available for free via XDA Labs. However, the reason for this change is because of the second main difference, the inclusion of Archive and SMB2 add-ons. Instead of having to download the add-ons separately, both are included with MiXplorer Silver.

To be fair, MiX Archive is free on the Play Store. While the MiX SMB 2.0/2.1 add-on does cost $1.99, you could always download the free version of the main explorer app and save a couple bucks over MiXplorer Silver. You could also download both add-ons from XDA Labs for free, to effectively avoid the cost. However, you would lose the convenience and protection of the Play Store.

If you want to support this developer and their amazing file manager, download MiXplorer Silver from the Play Store. It is ad-free, and supports all the primary file transferring technologies, such as FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Bluetooth, and SMB. Unlike other file managers, wireless file transfer is free, and it even supports Send Anywhere, our winner for best file transferring app.

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Cover image and screenshots by Jon Knight/Gadget Hacks

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