News: Google Docs Meets Instagram in Google's Next Social App

Google Docs Meets Instagram in Google's Next Social App

When it comes to social media, Google has had it a bit rough. But its next big app in this category is apparently steps away from completion, with a platform that allows small groups of users to edit and organize photos in unison.

TechCrunch reports Google has confirmed the app is real, albeit an "experiment." However, reports from a TechCrunch source contradict the experimental nature of the app, as the anonymous source claims Google had potentially planned to release the app at their I/O event in May.

While Google has had its struggles in the social media game, the app has potential. If done right, Google can mix the real-time collaborative tools of its own Google Docs with the addictive editing and sharing of photos in an app like Instagram. TechCrunch even claims that Google's algorithms from services such as YouTube and Google Images could be in use to aid in organization and search in this new app, which could turn a novelty idea into a powerful tool.

Instagram gives you easy-to-access tools to edit your pictures. Google could add group participation to this process. Image by Dallas Thomas/Gadget Hacks

After backing off on their quest to integrate Google+ into everything, Google is now pushing two social apps: Allo, for personalized messaging, and Duo, for video chats. This app could be just what Google needs to round out its social capabilities, and potentially have a competitor to other social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

In any case, this spring will be interesting to watch, as Apple is poised to release its video editing and sharing app, Clips. Unlike the unnamed Google app, Clips is only for sharing to other social media platforms, not one itself, so it isn't clear whether it will be a direct competitor to Google. We'll only know once both are released.

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Cover image via Esther Vargas/Flickr

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