News: Get Ready to Take One Epic Vape Selfie with This iPhone Piece

Get Ready to Take One Epic Vape Selfie with This iPhone Piece

If you relate in any way to having the need to carry your iPhone and your vaporizer in one hand, then keep on reading.

The Vaportronix's VQ piece is an attachable iPhone case that stores your VQ vaporizer and charges it. Besides the case being an awesome and super convenient thing for any on-the-go toker to own, it also means one thing: Your selfies are about to get a whole lot smokier! That's because the VQStick perfectly slides itself into the back pocket of your new iPhone case, conveniently located right next to your camera.

Always there as your resident friend in need, Vaportronix says it's "for the very discreet user" and to ensure that you "never miss a puff!" — to which I would slightly change to "never miss another vape cloud selfie again!" (Or maybe something less lame than that. Feel free to pitch in ideas in the comments below.)

Images via Vaportronix

The VQ works with the iPhone 6, 6s, and 7 (but not the Plus size models). And don't fret, soon enough this useful case will be coming to Samsung Galaxy phones as well.

For those of you wondering, the VQ case won't drain your battery, either. The case is a fully detachable piece that you can take off whenever you please.

Now, how many puffs does it take until you get centered? If you need a lot, don't worry. The VQStick lets you change between the wax or liquids of your choosing and will last you about a good 100 puffs. Plus, every time you slide it back into its case, VQStick will recharge back to its full potential.

Gadget Hacks reached out to Vaportronix to get their thoughts on using its VQ device to take better selfies. We also asked if they were interested in a vape selfie hashtag. Because ... why not? While we're waiting for a reply, though, let's watch all the vape tricks come in through Instagram, and feel free to post your own #VQvapeselfie while there.

Image via Giphy

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Cover image via BrenKee/Pixabay

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