News: Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

The folks over at Patently Apple have uncovered some very promising looking plans for a future iPhone app called iTravel. iTravel plans to cover ticket-buying, electronic check-in, car rentals, and possibly even Apple designed airport kiosks. Fingers crossed it comes out soon. Apple excels at making dummy-proof, intuitive, easy-as-pie user interfaces, and man, the airline travel process sure could use a little streamlining.

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

Via Patently Apple,

"Apple is working with the Airlines to ensure that the iPhone will be up to standard when new ticketless systems roll out in the coming years. Apple's iTravel focuses on such matters as airline check-in and baggage identification, advanced electronic ID, car rentals, hotel and airline reservations and so forth.

Apple's iTravel is yet another Near Field Communications based application within a host of recent revelations. It would appear, at least on the surface – that Apple may be working on a new suite of NFC related applications for a future iPhone. Perhaps such a suite could be ready by the time they roll out their iPhone 4G next year." (Read more).

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

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1 Comment

What is the thing in picture 96 a retinal scanner?

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