How To: Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic

Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic

This four part segment from Motorola provides a ton of information and serves as a guide on Webtop for the Droid Bionic.

Motorola Webtop is a feature of the Droid Bionic smartphone that allows you to turn your mobile device into an on-the-go netbook! If you have an HDMI cable handy, you can connect the Bionic to a monitor and surf the web using a Firefox browser while still being able to answer calls and respond to texts. You can use a WiFi connection or take advantage of the Verizon Wireless 4G connection while you browse.

Segment 1 introduces and explains what Webtop is. Segment 2 discusses accessories that are Webtop enabled. Segment 3 explains how to respond to notifications using Webtop, and segment 4 explains how to use the different applications accessible while in Webtop mode.

(1) Part 1 of 4 - How to Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic, (2) Part 2 of 4 - How to Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic, (3) Part 3 of 4 - How to Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic, (4) Part 4 of 4 - How to Use the Webtop feature on the Motorola Droid Bionic

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