How To: Use the Remote Desktop on iPhone & iPod Touch

Use the Remote Desktop on iPhone & iPod Touch

Remote desktop is a tool that can be used to access you computer from another device over a network. You can also connect to a remote desktop on Iphone or Ipod touch. Note that you will need EDGE and 3G for this to work. The files you need to connect are Mocha VNC Lite, and the desktop application Real VNC free edition 4.1. One is used on your computer and the other is used on your device. First launch you application store on your Iphone. Search for Mocha and open the Mocha VNC lite. Open the application and install it. Now launch the application. In the mean while set up the desktop application Real VNC free edition. Now using these two software you can connect to your computer from your Iphone. This video shows how to connect to a remote desktop from your Iphone or Ipod touch.

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1 Comment

One can easily use remote desktop on iPhone and iPod touch using tools like R-HUB remote support servers, Teamviewer, Logmein, Gotomypc etc. They work well.

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