How To: Use the Mobile Hotspot feature of a rooted Motorola Droid Bionic for free

Use the Mobile Hotspot feature of a rooted Motorola Droid Bionic for free

This two part segment will show you how to use the Wi-Fi tethering mobile hotspot functionality on your Motorola Droid Bionic smartphone for free after rooting it. Segment 2 of the guide will walk you through using Radiocomm to hide your tethering usage from Verizon Wireless so you're less likely to get caught.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Use the Mobile Hotspot feature of a rooted Motorola Droid Bionic for free, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Use the Mobile Hotspot feature of a rooted Motorola Droid Bionic for free

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