How To: Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games

Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games

Keeping score for a baseball game? Yup, there's an app for that. You don't even need to be a sports fanatic to use this app. Create your own rosters of players and teams for neighborhod games, or keep track at stadium games!

(1) Part 1 of 5 - How to Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games, (2) Part 2 of 5 - How to Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games, (3) Part 3 of 5 - How to Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games, (4) Part 4 of 5 - How to Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games, (5) Part 5 of 5 - How to Use the iScore Baseball application on iPhone to keep track of baseball games

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