How To: Use the FaceTime App over 3G on a jailbroken iPhone 4 with MY3G

Use the FaceTime App over 3G on a jailbroken iPhone 4 with MY3G

FaceTime is a very cool Apple App that makes video chat possible on the iPhone, but only if you're on a wifi network. Officially, at least! One of the many cool things that you can do after your jailbreak you iPhone 4 is use FaceTime on the 3G network! This quick video will show you how to enable Face Time 3G use using a jailbreak App called MY3G.

From the creator:

Steps to Enable FaceTime over 3g:
1. Open Cydia, and let it load.
2. Go To Search Tab, Search for "MY3G".
3. Install the App. It has been updated to work with iOS 4 on the iPhone 4 as its description says!
4. Reboot your Phone.

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