How To: Use all the functions of the Droid X smartphone

Use all the functions of the Droid X smartphone

Want to know everything about your new Motorola Droid X from Verizon Wireless? This three-part video review goes through all the features of the Droid X, showing you how to use everything on the Android smartphone. It's got a 4.3-inch touchscreen and HD video capability, something a mobile phone has never had.

In this first video, check out the hardware design and the MOTOBLUR-inspired home screen widgets. In the next video, learn about the internet browser, HD 720p video camcorder, DLNA, contacts, and the Mobile Hotspot feature, among many others. In the last video, learn more about DLNA and check out some media sharing functions. Also, see some social media and news apps and learn about Visual Voicemail and a few other call related functions.

Check out the review on MobileBurn.

(1) Part 1 of 3 - How to Use all the functions of the Droid X smartphone, (2) Part 2 of 3 - How to Use all the functions of the Droid X smartphone, (3) Part 3 of 3 - How to Use all the functions of the Droid X smartphone

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