How To: Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

Find Hipstamatic too nostalgic? Instead of trying to emulate film from fuzzy bygone days, iPhone app Decim8 goes in a different direction—futuristic digital destruction. The $0.99 app creates digital artifacts, putting your photos through a glitchy blender and spewing out surprise results. The app arranges/activates effects at random, and never churns out the exact same effects twice. It allows for full size photo output, and saves the original, uneffected image, in addition to the glitched image.

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

"Photographic Destruction", the Flickr pool dedicated to the app, shows off some pretty neat results. Browse a few choice picks below, or click through for more. Available in the iTunes store.

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

How to Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Photos by EspressoBuzz, Luis Roiz, Do Not Bend, A_T_G (Muldwych), Marco Hannula Photography, ThisQuietReverie, Prima Dosis, l.o.l.o.


Just downloaded it, way cool.

idont have money to buy iphone :(

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