How To: Turn off the 4G LTE network connection on your Droid Bionic Motorola Phone

Turn off the 4G LTE network connection on your Droid Bionic Motorola Phone

Verizon Wireless has a data cap on the 4G LTE connection that the Motorola Droid Bionic uses to connect to the internet and download information from its apps. If you want to stop your phone from hitting these caps and causing you overage fees, you can turn off the 4G connection by looking at this guide. It will save your smartphone's battery life as well!

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Wow. Great trick. I'm a hair stylist in Atlanta, and I just got a Nexus with AT&T's 4g LTE here. How long does it take to know how much you'll save?

I can tell you. I'm in Dallas (in real estate) and I've saved about $6/month doing this. I'm like you; I have AT&T (4G LTe) but I DO save immeasurable time having to recharge the darn battery so that's worth it.

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