How To: Trick Apple into replacing your water damaged iPhone

Trick Apple into replacing your water damaged iPhone

We've all been there - that moment of slow motion horror you experience as your beloved iPhone tumbles into the toilet. Both AT&T and AppleCare won't cover water damage to your iPhone, so you may think you are out of luck, but.. This tutorial will show you how to fool the Apple store's Genius Bar into replacing your phone. This is not one of those videos that tells you to stick your phone in a bucket of rice or sand and wait for days in the hopes it dries out. This two part tutorial will show you how to get it replaced right away and avoid all the hassle - for free!
If you've dropped your iPod Touch or iPhone in the pool or toilet, you will notice that there is a little red dot in the back of your headphone jack. All you need to do is follow these step by step instructions to hide it. The only tool they have at the Genius Bar to check for water damage is a flashlight, and that is very easy to fool. Note: make sure you dry the phone enough first so you don't raise suspicion. Good luck!

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Trick Apple into replacing your water damaged iPhone, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Trick Apple into replacing your water damaged iPhone

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