How To: Tether the iPhone iOS 4.2.1 and 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04

Tether the iPhone iOS 4.2.1 and 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04

This tutorial is for Ubuntu 10.04 users who want to tether their iPhone 4 (software version 4.2.1). No jailbreak needed! You have two options - you can tether through USB, or tether through Bluetooth.

Tethering through USB

Step 1 Add PPA repository to your synaptic repositories.

This step must be done using the terminal. Type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa

How to Tether the iPhone iOS 4.2.1 and 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04

Step 2 Update.

 Type "sudo apt-get update".

Step 3 Install the driver and needed dependencies.

Type "sudo apt-get install gvfs ipheth-utils".

How to Tether the iPhone iOS 4.2.1 and 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04

Step 4 Turn on tethering option on your iPhone 4.

After the installation is finished, turn on the tethering option on your iPhone 4. Plug in the USB cable adapter.  A two-way arrow will appear on the top right corner of your screen as well as a tethering message on your iPhone. You are now  connected to the internet.


  • Ubuntu must be installed on your system's hard drive for this to work.
  • Installed it many times over and it Works!

Tethering through Bluetooth

You'll need to install a new Bluetooth manager from the Blueman Project. 

Step 5 Open terminal window & add ppa to the repository.

Type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:blueman/ppa".

Step 6 Perform an update.

Type "sudo apt-get update".

Step 7 Install the driver.

Type "sudo apt-get install blueman".

Step 8 Close the terminal and pair your iPhone to your PC.

Once installation is done, close the terminal. Select System > Prefrences > Bluetooth Manager and begin pairing your iphone to your pc.


  • You may need to restart your PC.
  • On my system, it didn't work  (Remastered Ubuntu 10.04). Kindly post any comments regarding this post.

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1 Comment

For those iphone 4 users using iOS version 4.3.2. You can now use you iphone as a wireless hotspot! Just set-up "connect to a wireless hidden network." Allow ubuntu to find your iphone's name and select it and input your password.

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