One of the coolest feature of the 3G iPhone is the high speed, always on, Internet connection. Having a constant connection to the Internet is pretty much a must have for any dot com mogul. The main problem with the iPhone is the screen is too small to do any serious Web surfing. Yes, it's great for Twitter or checking up on emails but blogging from it is an exercise in frustration. Fortunately, there is a way to extend that 3G connection onto your laptop by turning your iPhone into a wireless router.
This video tutorial will show you how to tether your iPhone to your Macbook so your Macbook can surf the Internet using the iPhone's 3G Internet connection. You can do this with a PC as well. However, there are more steps involved because Windows likes to add more steps. The setup works amazingly well. Just don't exceed the limits of your data plan or you may end up with a huge cell phone bill! Don't forget you will need to jailbreak your iPhone.
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