How To: Tether and use your MetroPCS phone for internet access

Tether and use your MetroPCS phone for internet access

This video will show you how to tether your Samsung Messager 2, (the MetroPCS phone) to your PC to use as a modem for internet access. This will allow you to use your cell phone as your internet connection point, meaning you'll connect to the net for the cost of your cell phone's data plan. You will need your Samsung USB cable, a PC with Windows 2000 or higher, all current drivers for your phone and PC, and you will also need to head here to get the Samsung PC Studio program. This is part 1 of a 2 part video, so make sure to watch both.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Tether and use your MetroPCS phone for internet access, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Tether and use your MetroPCS phone for internet access

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