How To: Speed Up Your Lagging Nexus 7 Running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with This Quick Fix

Speed Up Your Lagging Nexus 7 Running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with This Quick Fix

A lot of Nexus 7 users have been experiencing a long list of issues after upgrading to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. From random reboots to abnormal battery drainage, people have had plenty to complain about. One of the most common (and annoying) problems is lag.

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If you're one of the unlucky users experiencing slowness after upgrading, there's a quick fix you can try, discovered by XDA member fishingfon. Turns out, Google's news application, Currents, could be causing the issue. After changing one of the settings in the app, many users have found that their devices are working much faster.

Here's what worked for fishingfon:

  • Open your app drawer
  • Open the Google Currents app
  • Find and tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the app
  • Select Settings
  • Uncheck Enable Background Sync
  • Reboot

That's it! If this doesn't make a difference for you, fishingfon suggests disabling the app altogether. You can do this by going to Settings -> Apps -> All -> Google Currents -> Disable.

Has anyone been having lag issues with their Nexus 7? Let us know in the comments below if this method works for you.

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Photo by Ariel Zambelich/Wired


This is actually a great tip. I noticed several of Google's pre-installed apps were doing a lot in the background and disabled them the other day. All my lag issues dissapeared.

Same here. Worked like a charm.

Hi all I have gone over my Nexus 7 and my Samsung S3, I have stopped and then disabled all item i wasn't using made a big difference to both my android items both running JellyBean, as a computer and mobile phone business owner I try to resolve problems for customers each day. Hope this helps all

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