How To: Save money on your phone bill & upgrade early for free

Save money on your phone bill & upgrade early for free

In this clip, learn how to make the right phone calls and press the right buttons to "trick" your phone company into giving you a free phone upgrade before you are due. You will also learn how to save money on you phone bill by using a few choice words on the telephone. This trick works for Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T, so not matter who your carrier is you will be golden. This clip is hosted by an ex-employee from a cell phone company, so it is full of insider tips.

Some tips:
*Be kind, be patient and persistent.
*Lay out all the fact and calmly state your argument.
*If you find yourself getting upset, hand up the phone, walk away for an hour - or a day - and call them back until you get what you are looking for.

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