How To: Root, unlock, S-OFF, and load DesireHD ROMs on a HTC Inspire 4G phone

Root, unlock, S-OFF, and load DesireHD ROMs on a HTC Inspire 4G phone

The Inspire 4G is AT&T's hot new budget 4G handset, and it's a powerful little unit thanks to a fast processor and AT&T's new 4G LTE network. This video will show you how to root, unlock, and S-OFF your device so that you can do whatever you want with it. The second part of the video shows you how to fix the sound issue from the first part AND install DesireHD ROM games on the phone. All of the advantages of jailbreaking without the cool name. You will need this software.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Root, unlock, S-OFF, and load DesireHD ROMs on a HTC Inspire 4G phone, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Root, unlock, S-OFF, and load DesireHD ROMs on a HTC Inspire 4G phone

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