How To: Roadie App Lets You Ship Things Cheaper & Make Money While You're Traveling

Roadie App Lets You Ship Things Cheaper & Make Money While You're Traveling

The next time you plan on going on an adventurous road trip, get paid for it! With the the new mobile app called Roadie, from developer Marc Gorlin, you can get paid to go where you're already going.

Essentially working as a Lyft- or Uber-like service for people's possessions, Roadie, with its "you scratch my back, I scratch your back" philosophy, brings people together to help one another out with shipping items safer and cheaper from place to place. It's particularly helpful for shipping larger items that FedEx, UPS, and USPS would charge an arm and a leg for.

Not only does this app bring neighbors together, but Roadie App also brings smartphone users together, because it's available for free on both Android and iOS.

Being a Roadie

Being a Roadie is a serious responsibility, since you're in possession of other people's goods, so to ensure that users are held accountable, you'll be required to verify your driver's license. Once you've gone through the verification process, start browsing your area or the recent "gigs" posted.

Being a Sender

Sending is also serious business as you're handing your possessions to a stranger, so this will also require a simple verification process. When you're ready, create a gig by inputing some simple information.

Unfortunately, the new app and its services are only available in the Southeast region of the United States, which includes Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Although it is limited right now, like what Uber and Lyft did for the chauffeur service, look for Roadie to revolutionize how we ship items. And if you're already going somewhere, simply bring up the Roadie app, help someone out, and get paid!

If you're in the Southeast, try it out and let us know how you liked it by commenting below, or catch up with us over on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.

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