How To: Reset Blackberry Bold 9000 / 9700 with three methods

Reset Blackberry Bold 9000 / 9700 with three methods

This video tutorial belongs to the Electronics category which is going to show you how to reset the Blackberry Bold 9000 / 9700 with three methods. In the first method you hold down the Alt key, the Caps lock key and hit Delete. Your Blackberry will start resetting. This process will take about 2 minutes to complete. The second method is the double reset. Hold down the Alt key, the Caps lock key and hit Delete twice. This method is helpful if your Blackberry is frozen. The third method is called the battery pull method. Remove the battery and keep it out for about 30 seconds and then put it back and power on. It will reset in 2 to 3 minutes. You resort to this method if the first two methods don't work.

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