How To: Remove Those Annoying Image Previews on the Updated Twitter Apps for Android & iPhone

Remove Those Annoying Image Previews on the Updated Twitter Apps for Android & iPhone

Twitter is now forcing you to look at pictures that you might now even want to look at with their newly implemented Image Preview feature, which automatically displays image and Vine video thumbnails directly in your timeline on the updated Android and iPhone apps.

That photo of your friend's baby that you don't want to see? It's there.That video of a stupid cat doing something stupid? That's also there.

While many have uproariously chided in with complaints, there's no reason to get your panties in a bunch. You can get rid of those annoying image previews by changing one little setting.

Disabling Image Previews on iOS Devices

For the Twitter app on your iPhone, just tap on theGear icon, tap Settings, and turn off Image Previews.

Below, you can see Twitter with image previews on the left, and without image previews on the right (just like you like them).

Disabling Image Previews on Android Devices

On Android, it's basically the same exact thing, except that the interface is a bit different. Tap on the Gear icon, press Settings, and uncheck Image Previews.

Again, here's a before an after of Twitter with and without the previews.

Pretty simple, right? Only why do they can enabling features we don't want? Sure, they could have added it and left it up to us to turn on, but that's not how Twitter rolls. They force it down our throats in hopes that we like it—but we don't. We almost never do.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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