How To: Remove Seoul Clock from Korean Anycall Galaxy S [SHW-M110S]

Remove Seoul Clock from Korean Anycall Galaxy S [SHW-M110S]

Many people all around the world have been using Korean Anycall Galaxy S (SHW-m110s), because the price is reasonable and easy to used. But after they buy this phone they always saw two clocks in the front screen while the phone locked, one is Local clock and the second is Seoul clock. The most of the user always want to remove it but they can't do it, now I'll show you how to remove it step by step.

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Step 1: Go to Settings

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Step 2: Wireless and Network

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Step 3: Mobile Networks

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Step 4: T Roaming

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Step 5: Roaming Dual Clock

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Step 6: Select Off

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Step 7: Now You Can Check Your Front Screen Again

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Now you see only your local clock.

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1 Comment

Thanks very much, very very useful information

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