Hey! Rather than paying $2 for a TV episode from the iTunes store, fill your 'pod with the dvds you already own. This wikiHow is for Windows PCs.
Decrypt the disk using a software program to remove the DVD's copy protection.
Combine the Video Files. When you rip a dvd, you get a number of .VOB files. Programs are available that will merge these files. The files will be very large named something like VTS_07_1.VOB, VTS_07_2.VOB, and so on.
Convert the movie to turn your movie into an iPod-compatible MPEG-4 file. In the program of your choice, select "MP4" or "iPod" as the conversion mode. The resulting file is ready to import into iTunes.
Free download link here: http://www.dvdtoipodtouch.biz/freedownload/iPodConvSuitReg.exe
- Most DVD are encrypted for a reason, this is not illegal unless you sell the copy of the decrypted DVD, Do not break the law.
Things You'll Need
- Decryption software
- VOB merging software
- Video conversion software
- iTunes
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