How To: Operate the Motorola Nextel i305 mobile phone

Operate the Motorola Nextel i305 mobile phone

If you're having a little trouble operating your newly purchased Motorola Nextel i305 cell phone, let Sprint help you out. This Sprint interactive mobile phone tutorial takes you through every step necessary to fully familiarize yourself with the i305 cell phone by Motorola. This instructional tour will help you learn how to use Nextel Direct Connect, Mobile Text Messaging, Sprint Nextel Online, Mobile Office Email, 4-Way Navigation Key, Advanced Contacts, GPS Enabled, Assignable Ring Tones, All-Weather Rugged Design, One-Touch Direct Connect, Vibracall Alert, Recent Calls List, Universal Headset Jack, SIM Card Portability and you'll see the specifications, features, and what accessories your phone can use. Before you know it, you'll be an expert at using your i305 mobile phone by Motorola.

Operate the Motorola Nextel i305 mobile phone

Operate the Motorola Nextel i305 mobile phone Click through to watch this video on

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