How To: Multi-task on a LG KU990 Viewty cell phone

Multi-task on a LG KU990 Viewty cell phone

With the LG KU990 Viewty, you can take and view a crystal clear photo. Packed with high-quality camera features, this camera phone enables you to capture a high-definition image using a 5 MP camera lens certified by Schneider-Kreuznach and edit your photo on a large, clear, 3-inch display just like a professional photographer.

Check out this video tutorial and learn how to multi-task on a LG KU990 Viewty cell phone. See how to play music and play on the Internet. Get those sounds going, mobile like, and surf the web, play games, or call someone. Multi-task on the Viewty, if you can, just not in the car, please.

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