Right out of the box, iPhone is incredibly easy to use. If you want to get the most out of every feature, you've come to the right place. This video tutorial straight from Apple will teach you how to make calls and use voicemail on the Apple iPhone 3G. The iPhone redefines what a mobile phone can do.
Calling and Voicemail:
On iPhone, making a call is as simple as tapping a name or number. And Visual Voicemail plays messages in any order — just like email.
Tap (or speak) to call:
Tap a name or number to call from Contacts, a website, a map, or a text message. Or activate Voice Control and speak a name or number to make a call.
See your voicemail:
Visual Voicemail shows you a list of your messages, so you can play them in any order. Easily rewind to any point in a message, in case you missed something.
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