Apple released iOS 4.3.3 just a few days ago and they didn’t fix the Untethered exploit we used on 4.3.2 so we quickly have working untethered Jailbreak. All the download links and a written guide are inside the post on how to jailbreak 4.3.3.
4.3.3 Firmware:
iPhone 4 (GSM)
iPhone 3G S
iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G
iPad 1
Redsn0w 0.9.6rc15:
Mac –
Windows -
- This works with iPhone 4(GSM/AT&T), iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G, and iPad 1
- This DOESN’T work with iPhone 4(verizon) and iPad 2
- On Windows make sure to right click on Redsnow.exe and run it in Windows XP SP3 Compatibility Mode and as Administrator.
- Ultrasn0w unlockers must stay away from redsn0w!
- Update your device to iOS 4.3.3 before you do this guide.
- Update iTunes to the latest version before you do this guide.
Step 1: Download Redsn0w for your computer and the 4.3.3 firmware for your device. To make it easy to find save them both to the desktop on your computer.
Step 2: Unzip the Redsn0w file by double clicking on it. Now open the Redsn0w folder and find the Redsn0w app, click on it and open it up.
Step 3: In Redsn0w click the browse button. You will then be prompted to select the 4.3.3 firmware that you saved to your desktop earlier. Be patient and let Redsn0w do its thing.
Step 4: Once Redsn0w is done click next until it looks like the image above. Go ahead and make sure only “Install Cydia” is check and then click next.
Step 5: Now its time to put your device in DFU mode. The video guide may explain this a little better so make sure you watch it. When you click the next button it will immediately give you instructions to do this go over this quickly. You first need to turn plug your device into your computer via USB, close iTunes and turn your device off. Once you click the next button you will need to hold the power button in for 3 seconds, and then press in the home button while still holding the power for 10 more seconds, and then release the power button while continuing to hold the home button for 30 more seconds. It will count down with you, which is hard to time correctly because it starts right after hitting the next button. If done correctly you should have a device in DFU mode and it should begin the jailbreak process.
Step 6: Slide to unlock, open the Cydia app on your device and there you go! JAILBROKEN!
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