How To: Increase battery life on LG phones

Increase battery life on LG phones

This video describes how to increase battery life on most of the LG phones", for that first we have to enter into the service by typing the numbers "##77647269700" and then clicking the call button. Now it will ask for 6 digit "service code" to enter into the service. Just type "000000" as a code and it will enter into the "services" Menu and from the menu click on the "Network Select" and from that choose "Mode Preference", by default "Digital Only Hybrid" mode will be in selected. Now to save the battery life we will change it to "Battery only" mode which will be in last option, in the desktop screen of the left top corner we can see the symbol of Battery only option. Most of the viewers may learn for the first time, how to Increase the battery life on LG phones which benefit a lot like time and money

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