How To: Import media to iPhoto with Nokia Media Transfer

Import media to iPhoto with Nokia Media Transfer

Check out this video tutorial on how to import photos and videos from your Nokia device into iPhoto with Nokia Media Transfer.

1. Ensure Nokia Multimedia Transfer is running (the Nokia Multimedia Transfer icon should be visible in the menu bar). If you have new images to import and your Nokia device is connected, iPhoto will automatically be launched. If your Nokia device is not connected, please connect it now.

Should you need assistance, please see the section connect to your Mac.

2. When iPhoto launches, enter a roll name and a description (optional) for the new set of pictures you are importing.

3. Check the box to remove the photos and videos from your Nokia device after transferring, if desired. We recommend doing this if you want to transfer them back to your Nokia device later with iPhoto. If you have selected this option, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the original photos on your Nokia device.

4. Press the import button to transfer your photos and videos into iPhoto.

Import media to iPhoto with Nokia Media Transfer

Import media to iPhoto with Nokia Media Transfer Click through to watch this video on

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