HowTo: Rescue Near-Death CDs With a LIttle Vaseline

Rescue Near-Death CDs With a LIttle Vaseline

We've seen lots of methods of CD/DVD scratch removal here on WonderHowTo- bananas, toothpaste, even eggs. Now Instructables member gpotvin suggests another method to throw in the mix: vaseline. No reason to throw away those damaged CDs! Save 'em - it's as easy as Step 1, 2, 3.

HowTo: Rescue Near-Death CDs With a LIttle Vaseline

You Will Need:

  • Soft Cloth or Disc Cleaner/Repair
  • Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)
  • Minor to Severely Scratched Discs

Click through for the full HowTo.

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Since it was posted as an article does that mean it works well?

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