How To: Get Windows 8 Metro-Style Live Tiles on Your Android Device

Get Windows 8 Metro-Style Live Tiles on Your Android Device

Love the look of Metro's live tiles, but can't see yourself ever owning a Windows Phone device? Then fear not—you don't have to subject yourself to Windows Phone in order to experience those sweet live tiles. You can simply use Tile Launcher, a new launcher app for Android devices that simulates the Metro interface pretty well.

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Tile Launcher, which is in beta for Android 4.0 and above, allows users to style their homescreen with customizable tiles à la the Metro user interface!

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Some of the features of the app include:

  • Optimized scrolling
  • Completely customize any tile and defaults for new tiles
  • Shortcut/widget settings
  • Desktop settings, change rows/columns, gap size
  • Wallpaper scrolling options
  • Multiple screens
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Note: Since the application is in beta, be weary of any issues. Some of the known problems are the tiles moving around when being dragged, overlapping of top left tiles and widget drop causing restart.

You can download Tile Launcher (Beta) on Google Play (it's free).

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