How To: Find the Gingerbread Man & Droid Robot in Your Android Smartphone

Find the Gingerbread Man & Droid Robot in Your Android Smartphone

Gingerbread almost always requires eggs.  Gingerbread cookies, on the other hand, aren't as dependent on them.  But when dealing with the sophisticated recipe for Android 2.3 Gingerbread, it couldn't be completely baked without an egg or two.  More specifically— an Easter egg.

Google implanted a secret ingredient into their newest Android mobile OS, and it's the perfect sweet treat for all of you Droiders.

The Google artwork was found before Gingerbread's initial release, when the Gingerbread SDK was released to developers, but it only left people scratching their heads.  Nobody could figure out what Google was going to do with it.  But now we know.

How to Find the Gingerbread Man & Droid Robot in Your Android SmartphoneOn your Android smartphone running 2.3 (Gingerbread),

  1. Go to Settings,
  2. Scroll down and click on About phone,
  3. Find the Android version, and
  4. Tap the living daylights out of it until you see the Gingerbread Man artwork pop up.

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:/ doesent work on the HTC hero... :(

@Ruben Schiller HTC Hero does not have Gingerbread release of Android either get the leaked ROM or get a Nexus S

oh :D haha Thanks ..

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