How To: Download and install Androidlock on your iPhone

Download and install Androidlock on your iPhone

This video tutorial from DrJailbreak presents how to download and install Androidlock on your iPhone and iPod Touch.Androidlock is a type of application that locks screen to prevent unauthorized access. You have to draw a specific pattern on the screen to unlock your device. It is advisable not to create too difficult Androidlock pattern because you can forget it.You also can turn off Androidlock if you open subsettings, select More and then Mobile Substrate Add-ons option.To get Androidlock, open Cydia application, search for androidl. Search result Androidlock from BigBoss is what you are looking for.Click on it and install.After the installation, restart your Spring Board.Disable any other lock screen application before using Androidlock.You will see nine dots on your screen. Draw some specific pattern from dot to dot.You always can change pattern from Settings-Androidlock.You will need to draw the old pattern before changing it.Then draw a new one, then redraw it. Now you have new Androidlock pattern.

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