How To: Design Your Own iPhone 5 Case for Less Than $5

Design Your Own iPhone 5 Case for Less Than $5

So, you've got your new iPhone 5 from Apple, but wait—where do you get a case for it?

Since its launch, Apple Stores across the country have been carrying absolutely zero iPhone 5 cases. In fact, the only thing they seem to be carrying right now as far as iPhone 5 accessories goes is the new Lightning cable. So, when will they be getting cases? Rumors state October sometime, but there's no telling if it's now or at the end of the month.

Is this really a big deal? No, since every cellular provider is stocked up with cases now, along with every online store and mall phone kiosk. But what if you don't want to pay 20+ bucks for a case anyway?

You can easily design your own iPhone 4, 4S or 5, just like the ones below, for less than five dollars.

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A Beautiful Mess made the iPhone cases above, and have laid out the DIY process at their site.

The first step would be getting a basic, clear iPhone 5 case from somewhere like eBay or Amazon. If you search eBay, you can find a blank case like this one for just $3.99. You can even try finding a clear case at a store or mall kiosk, but they'll likely be more than $5.

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From there, outline the phone case onto practically anything, cut it out, and put it inside or outside of your case, as detailed below.

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You can use anything from paper to cloth material to make your design. Experiment with different textures to one that fits the blank case comfortably. The best thing about it is that there is no permanent attaching involved, so you can change the design whenever you want.

Check out the full tutorial, along with more designs, over at A Beautiful Mess.

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1 Comment

This is pretty cool. I don't know why I've never considered doing this.

I've been hunting for a cool case all weekend, but Apple still carries zilch, Verizon just had plain rubber ones, and I couldn't find any at the mall kiosks that weren't covered in sparkles and other bling-bling.

Clear case, here I come.

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